
2013-01-27 10.32.52
With my wonderful publisher, Tim Ditlow, at ALA Midwinter Conference 2013

The ALA Midwinter Conference is over, and it’s good to be home. Chicago weather is inviting as always (#not true #freezing rain), and O’Hare is easy to navigate (#nope #rabbit warren of concentric circles and dead ends).

The first trade review of Permanent Record is in. Kirkus called it “an edgy, discomfiting attack on post-9/11 nerves and prejudices.”

I had a fantastic time in Seattle with my fellow authors and the publishing team at Amazon Children’s. I killed my feet in a pair of shoes laughably too small, ate great food, drank strange drinks, stared at mountains from my hotel window. (Disclosure: I had never seen mountains in person before. I couldn’t stop looking at them.) I also got to inscribe a copy of my book to Caroline Kennedy, who came up to our booth during my signing. I was calm and cool, but inside I was a mess. (Revelation: I am usually a mess on the inside in my everyday life.)

I have a nice big box of ARCs here, and I am putting together a contest to give some away. (Disclaimer: it might be a humiliating contest.) Stay tuned!

