Get yourself something for Christmas

I have been friends with Mr. Dan Kelly—a man best described as mild-mannered yet evil, and a writer best described as hilarious yet bitter—for twenty fun-filled years. I bossed him around at Lumpen, when I was his editor, and then he bossed me around at Chum, when he was my editor.

He’s a church reviewer. That’s right: he visits churches in the Chicago area and evaluates them according to sanctity, entertainment value, and whatever else occurs to him. At the same time he does a little research on the faith du jour, respectfully exploring their histories. I guarantee you have nothing like it in your bookshelves. It’s funny, intelligent, and weird, just like Dan.

He’s compiled the church reviews he did for the Chicago Journal in a new collection called Hilaretic. You can order the paperback through Lulu, and it’s only $10 or less with the Lulu discount. It’s perfect for your office secret Santa. C’mon, order it! I did!


