Goodreads signed ARC giveaway; also, crying

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Permanent Record by Leslie Stella

Permanent Record

by Leslie Stella

Giveaway ends February 28, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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I’m giving away 8 signed ARCs in February through Goodreads. To enter, click the link above.

My book’s release date is less than 3 weeks from now. Trying not to stress out and cry about it. I’m a negative thinker. I can only see what is going wrong. As a Sicilian-American, I am entitled to bursts of disproportionate rage and emotional breakdowns. But as a human being, a mother, a writer who is trying to forge ahead instead wallow, I need to get my shit together.

So much that is beyond my control is involved with launching a book. I admit I don’t like doing all the relentless self-promotion that seems to be required. Twitter is especially infuriating. I don’t want to read Tweets consisting of random sentences from strangers’ books or constant links to 5-star reviews from Amazon readers, so I don’t Tweet that stuff myself either. I don’t want to bother Goodreads members about my book every ten minutes, so I don’t say anything except to announce the giveaways. I hate sending out these emails to bloggers, begging for scraps of time to read and review my book or to do a Q&A with me. I just hate it. I guess I don’t mind writing blog entries like this one about my fragile emotional state, though.

I just want to write and read and be reclusive; is that so much to ask for?


