Psychosomatic, or just psycho?

The weeks leading up to this book launch have made a mess of me. Constant worry and stress, plus my normal Eeyore-like gloomy outlook on life, have resulted in a bunch of crazy physical ailments, not the least of which is a CONSTANTLY TWITCHING EYE alá Clouseau’s boss and two painfully swollen fingers on my mouse hand. Note also cystic acne that has erupted on the back of my neck. Sleepless. Self-medicating with Samoas.

What if this book doesn’t sell well? What if, again, this is the end of the road for me? What should I be doing to promote this book better? Why will my eye not stop this flick-flick-flick twitch tic? My eyebrows are a hot mess too, though that is not stress-related, I just need to get them threaded.

